I think the interview went really well, I answered all the questions and got on with them both really well so it just depends on how the other person interviews.
Last week Andrew emailed me a link to the apps they use with three demo farms set up on it and asked me to prepare some comments based on the score generated and implications they may have for the farm.
Last week Andrew emailed me a link to the apps they use with three demo farms set up on it and asked me to prepare some comments based on the score generated and implications they may have for the farm.
I went through each demo farm with my notes from last year, did some reading online and then made a list of comments with examples.
Then went through the comments and suggested what could happen if the issues weren't resolved.
At the interview they went through how the company car scheme works, the geographical areas we could be covering and working hours. They also asked when I'm available to start which is pretty much straight away!
I'm down to the final 2 candidates for the job so I guess now its just a waiting game!